How a Wellness Program Can Help Keep Your Cat Healthy

How a Wellness Program Can Help Keep Your Cat Healthy

With preventative care and healthy habits in place, cats can live up to twenty years—and sometimes even longer. Regular vet visits are an important step to staying in control of your cat’s health and keeping them as healthy as possible throughout their life. The cost...
Health Insurance for Puppies and Dogs

Health Insurance for Puppies and Dogs

Dog insurance is similar to health insurance for humans. If your dog gets injured or sick, dog insurance helps cover medical expenses. With Top Dog, you can give your dog the medical care they need. Top Dog insurance plan covers your dog from head to paw. It allows...
5 Tips for Traveling with Your Dog

5 Tips for Traveling with Your Dog

Summer is the perfect time to take your dog on a fun adventure, whether that’s a road trip across the country or a weekend getaway to your favorite campsite. While traveling can be a great way to make new memories, it can also be a stressful experience if you’ve never...
How Pet Insurance Can Save You Money

How Pet Insurance Can Save You Money

As much as you love your pet, there is no denying that they can be expensive. Regular daily care can add up quickly, but unexpected veterinary expenses can be overwhelming to some pet parents. While you can’t plan for accidents, you can use pet insurance to help take...
Health Insurance for Puppies and Dogs

5 Benefits of Using Telemedicine for Your Pet

Like many aspects of life recently, your medical appointments may have made the switch to virtual. Human telemedicine appointments have been around for decades, but recently, telemedicine has been introduced into veterinary health as well. If you’ve been curious about...
Wellness Benefit Schedule Low Medium High
Wellness Exam (2 per policy term, max 1/2 per exam) $30 $50 $60
Rabies Vaccine $25 $30 $35
DHLPP Vaccine $25 $30 $35
Bordetella or Lyme Disease Vaccine $0 $0 $35
Heartworm Test or FELV Screen $25 $30 $35
Fecal Exam $25 $30 $35
Wellness Blood Screen $0 $0 $35
Health Certificate $30 $40 $50
Microchip $25 $35 $45
Deworming $25 $30 $35
Dentistry/Cleaning OR Spay/Neuter $0 $40 $60
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